4.0.0 - CI Build

Care Connect Messaging - Local Development build (v4.0.0). See the Directory of published versions

MessageDefinition: Notitification Discharge

Generated Narrative

id: notification-discharge

url: https://project-wildfyre.github.io/careconnect-messaging-r4/MessageDefinition/notification-discharge

identifier: c81b88dc-760e-4b1e-9cdb-c5f853630664

version: 4.0.0

title: Patient Discharge Notification

status: active

date: 8 Jul 2020, 15:03:26

publisher: gmdigitialplatforms.nhs.uk

contact: mailto:kevin.mayfield1@nhs.net

jurisdiction: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR)

event: Notification Discharge

category: notification

